Monday, May 2, 2011

Why Wind Generator Power?

Green Power (wind generators, solar power, etc) for your home is a frequent area of discussion and now even the biggest brains in the Eco world seem to agree that it can make a great deal of sense.

Of course, there are the doubters out there, who believe it will never amount to anything and the particular phase of put down is simply - "it will never produce enough power".

Now let's think about that for just a minute and ask ourselves:

Why would Governments around the world be investing Millions of Dollars in assisting Wind Farms and Solar Projects?
Why would they be supporting Low Carbon initiatives?
Why would they be giving grants to households for their own wind generator?
Maybe because they understand that the humble wind generator can make a significant contribution!

The commercial side is all about wind farms, being giant wind turbines generating huge amounts of power by the electricity companies. The domestic side for many areas (including most of North America) is focused on using a wind generator, which is essentially a small wind turbine.

This has many advantages:
Firstly, there is less demand upon the electrical grid system, since the generator is already plumbed into the users home supply
Secondly, there is a large amount of power loss of Alternating Current (AC) over long distances of cable
Finally, the objection to giant turbines is minimized with more individuals opting for a small wind generator

Sadly, the days of cheap energy are gone (you need to accept this as a fact). The cost of generating power is only going to rise. Couple this with our increasing demand for more power for the home gadgets and for business/industry and we have a problem.

Add to this our increasing knowledge about the problems of our warming atmosphere and we all need to act to reduce demand. Couple this with your own wind generator and you are starting to make an impact straight away.

Better still, you get to save some money! Yes, real Dollars back in your pocket rather than be spent with the Electricity Company, all from a simple wind generator in you yard or on your house.

It is easier than you think to build a suitable wind generator